I am a freshman law student in need of a creative outlet from all the rigors and stress of law school.
I literally didn't have any idea what I was getting myself into when I entered law school. I'm paying for my ignorance with at least two cups of coffee and an unhealthy dose of attacks to my self-esteem...daily.
I am in a relationship with another person of the same sex. And no, that doesn't have anything to do with me pursuing this field.
The significant other is about to be assigned to a distant province for work for a couple of years. Expect sad and overwrought emotions.
I spend the little extra time I have listening to corny and usually sad music. Then I feel even more depressed.
I just quit my job to have more time to study time. Yet, time simply isn't enough. I have no money and I feel stupid. The best feeling in the world? Not exactly.
Why am I doing this? I need an escape. I need to be able to vent out my frustrations and sadness, maybe even share my happiness once in a while.
I need to write, to feel alive through my words.
ok. first entry. :)